Sunday, April 3, 2011


Friday was a milestone for me.  My daughter left for her first weeklong trip without either parent. Before this she went to dance competitions with her mother for a week and she had overnight activities. 

She left for New York City with a few of her dance friends and the dance choreographer. We took my daughter and son to New York City during Christmas in 2005.  It is an amazing city. 

Of course I miss her.  The columnist David Brooks was speaking to the Free Philadelphia Library. He noted how less humble we as a country have become.  He went on to say writing a column twice a week is a humbling experience.  I have another one and it is more consistent and immediate – have a teenage daughter in the house.  At least three times a day I am told that I am annoying, and I need to keep out of her business.  Yes, thanks to her I am among the most humbled men in the U.S. 

Since she is gone a void exists that needs to be filled. I am beginning to think I am evolving to perfection!!!  No one rolls eyes at me.  By the time she gets back she will need to tell me how imperfect I really am for at least 2 hours straight (believe me, she can do it). Daughter – text or call me before you get back. I am experiencing a new and odd feeling – perhaps I am realizing that I am not as dense as you tell me.  DAUGHTER – SAVE ME FROM MYSELF!!!


My daughter got back from New York City. I was so happy to see her, I picked her up and swung her around.  In fairness to her, she was in a van for around 14 hours.  It took her eight minutes to point out that I am annoying.  I am humbled, yet again. Welcome back?

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