Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Why We do What We Do - I

So often in economic development I get asked what exactly do you do.  Which begs a second question, why do you do what you do?

In a nutshell, we diversify the economy, cause capital investment to happen, and create jobs.

Why is this important?  Further down in this post is a link to a BI article on states losing population. Note a running challenge noted for each state - jobs. If you do not have jobs, then you cannot grow.  It is almost as simple as that.  No growth, no additional funds for city and county amenities.  And that is only the beginning.

Economies either grow or decline.  

And in order to continue to grow an economy, it takes consistent work and thought.  How do you support your local industry base? How do you help ensure the workforce is available for today and tomorrow?  Both of these questions can be subdivided into many more.
But it comes down to jobs and capital investment.


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